Home 音樂新聞 2016年新聞 In This Moment 鼓手 Tom Hane 離團

In This Moment 鼓手 Tom Hane 離團


雖然 In This Moment 將在這個夏天與 Korn 以及 Rob Zombie 一起巡迴,不過鼓手 Tom Hane 卻在巡迴前夕宣布離團,目前 In This Moment 還沒有公布新的鼓手。

Tom Hane 是在 2011 年加入 In This Moment ,隨後在 2012 年錄製了 《 Blood 》 以及 2014 年的 《 Black Widow  》。這次 Hane 是在 Instagram 上面宣布自己將離開 In This Moment ,他表示等不及樂團的正式公布,他決定先告訴大家他將離開 In This Moment ,他也很感謝這四年來大家的照顧,但是他覺得這段時間在創作上並不是那麼開心,未來他將會持續自己的音樂事業。


Well, I wanted to wait (out of respect for ITM’s wishes) but seeing how it’s out in the open now, I’ll explain. Yes, I have left In This Moment. I have had an amazing 4 years with some amazing people and wouldn’t trade it for anything. However, I have struggled to be truly happy, creatively. The reason I started drumming/ writing music was because it made me happy. I didn’t want to stay for the wrong reasons. This WILL NOT be a departure from music for me. I have some great things on the horizon and hope you all join me in my new journey. I’d also like to thank every single person, fan & colleague that made the last 4 years so special. You all mean the world to me. See you soon, -Tom Hane

Tom Hane(@drummertomhane)張貼的相片 於 張貼


不過 Tom Hane 的離團這下可能讓 In This Moment 頭大了,因為他們將在五月開始歐洲巡迴,七月到九月將要與 Korn 以及 Rob Zombie 一起巡迴。目前樂團還沒有對 Tom Hane 的離團宣言表示任何意見,以及沒有替代方案。


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資料來源: Loudwire