Home 例年舊新聞 2014年舊新聞 Tom Morello 槓上西雅圖餐廳老闆

Tom Morello 槓上西雅圖餐廳老闆

Tom Morello

已解散的經典Rap Metal 樂團,討伐體制( Rage Against The Machine )吉他手 – 湯姆莫羅 ( Tom Morello ),在推特上發表了一篇貼文,抱怨了西雅圖某家餐廳;而餐廳老闆也很強硬,以「我她媽才不鳥你( I Don’t Give A Fuck )」的態度做出回應。

上週六,湯姆莫羅與克里斯康乃爾( Chris Cornell ),也就是 Audioslave 的老團員相聚,做了一場小表演,表演結束後準備找間店吃些東西、喝喝咖啡、聊聊天,於是他們來到西雅圖很著名的「5 Point Cafe」;然而餐廳已經客滿了,無法招待他們,想不到湯姆莫羅經然因此而在推特上大做文章:


而該餐廳的老闆 David Meinert 則對此在 Facebook 上做出回應:

For the record Tom Morello – The 5 Point is totally pro-worker. We try to pay more than any other small restaurant, and on top of the higher pay, we offer health insurance, paid sick days, paid time off, retirement and profit share. Sorry if you had an issue with our staff, but typically our staff is awesome, and when they are not, it’s usually a reflection of the customer. Act like a prick = get treated like a prick. I have to say, your attacking a small business without knowing anything about it, or addressing your problem with them directly before you go on a public rant, pretty much sucks. Just lost a ton of respect for you, and I’ve been a fan for years, both of your work in Rage and your work for workers rights since. PS – rock stars don’t get special treatment at The 5 Point. We couldn’t give less of a shit. Sorry. And PSS – I’m the owner of the 5 Point and have worked to raise the minimum wage in Seattle and support the same nationally, worked to get paid sick days law in Seattle, and am supporting a City sponsored retirement plan for employees of small businesses. I hope you do the same for your employees on the road… PSSS – turns out he and his crew didn’t get let in as the place was at capacity and there was a line. No one was being let in. According to our doorman who I totally trust, Tom and his crew were all totally rude. Quote from the door guys “I knew who he was, we had no room, his whole party was being rude. He wanted a special room in the back. Clearly had no ideas what it is like inside. I’ve told bigger rock stars than him no.






資料 & 圖片來源:SPIN  

