Home 例年舊新聞 2014年舊新聞 國際特赦組織向 Iggy Pop 道歉

國際特赦組織向 Iggy Pop 道歉


日前,我們刊出了一篇《Iggy Pop:「小賈斯汀是搖滾樂的未來!」》的文章,獲得不少迴響,照片裡的反諷效果極佳,同場加映的還有西藏政教領袖 – 達賴喇嘛,以及時尚大帝 – 拉格斐。

在照片裡, Iggy Pop 說的是:「小賈斯汀是搖滾樂的未來」;

而達賴喇嘛說的是:「一個人在五十歲時如果還沒有擁有一支 Rolex 手錶,那他就白活了。」;


在這系列的廣告裡,大量地使用了諷刺( ironic )的效果,以達到國際特赦組織宣傳「Stop Torture」的目的。其實,這樣的效果是非常好的,藉由文字與圖像的強烈反差,讓主題更為鮮明,也可以讓人會心一笑。

但是,就在今天稍早,國際特赦組織向 Iggy Pop 以及達賴喇嘛發表了道歉聲明,原因就是他們在使用照片上並沒有經過當事人的允許。以下為國際組織的道歉聲明:

「To generate awareness about our campaign against torture, Amnesty International Belgium French speaking section used an image of Iggy Pop without his authorization.
Even though we acted in good faith, we would like to apologise to Iggy Pop for having done so.
The overall goal of this campaign is to try to influence people’s ideas on the use of torture. According to surveys, a shocking number of people believe that “torture may sometimes be useful” ; more than 36% of people even think that torture is justified in some cases. This is unacceptable, and we illustrate this reality with the message that a man who is tortured will say anything in order to escape this awfulness, using provocative images and statements to attract public attention. We would therefore also like to make it clear that the statement attributed to Iggy Pop that he believes Justin Bieber is the future of rock and roll does not represent Iggy Pop’s personal opinion but was part of the creative process for this campaign and was intended to be ironic. The image has been removed.
For the launch of our latest campaign against torture, the image of His Holiness the Dalai Lama was used by our section (Belgium french speaking) and was widely shared on the internet. Although the Dalai Lama was not the target of the campaign, we understand that this image has caused particular concern in some quarters. We have therefore chosen to remove this picture from our digital material in order not to cause any furtherupset and ensure people’s attention remains focused on the real aim of this campaign : to stop torture.
We apologise for any upset caused by this image.」

目前,International Amnesty 比利時分部,已經將 Iggy Pop 和達賴喇嘛之照片撤掉,然而,有關於時尚大帝拉格斐的照片是否有侵權,目前國際特赦組織還並未有消息,但也一樣被撤掉了。




資料來源:International Amnesty Belgian/rolling stone

