Home 例年舊新聞 2014年舊新聞 Merry Clayton 車禍重傷!

Merry Clayton 車禍重傷!



根據 Merry Clayton 自己的官網表示,上禮拜一( 6/16 )下午三點三十分,Merry Clayton 在洛杉磯遭遇了一場非常嚴重的車禍,這場車禍造成她下半身非常嚴重的創傷,目前院方評估需要進行一連串手術,以及可能需要很漫長的復健程序,不過可以確定的是,Merry Clayton 本人目前沒有生命危險。

以下是 Merry Clayton 官網的聲明:

「It is with deep regret, but also deep gratitude, that we announce the following about our beloved Merry Clayton. At approximately 3:30 p.m. Monday, June 16, 2014, Merry was involved in a major automobile accident in Los Angeles, California. Merry sustained severe injuries to her lower body, including major trauma to her lower extremities. We are truly grateful that our dear Merry is still with us.

She has a long road of recovery ahead and we thank you all for your prayers as we link arms together with faith and the Lord’s strength for her rapid healing. For all that know her personally, and those that have been blessed by her God-given talents,please know that her spirit is very strong and her faith unwavering. Her voice is not silenced and His praises continue to be on her lips.」



Merry Clayton 或許對你很陌生,但是,有一首你一定聽過的歌,裡頭要是沒有她的 backup ,那首歌一定無法如此經典。





沒錯,就是這首,The Rolling Stone 的經典名曲〈Gimme Shelter〉。

Merry Clayton 不只與 The Rolling Stone 合作,從 Ray Charles、Carole King、Lynyrd Skynyrd 還有 Neil Young,全都與 Merry Clayton 合作過,Merry Clayton 可以說是一個橫跨六零、七零的藍調、搖滾見證者,並且她也參與其中,不只參與,更在這令人欽羨的歷史篇章裡,寫下她專屬的一頁。



Merry Clayton 在去年六月發行了所有集結她在七零年代的經典曲目專輯《The Best Of Merry Clayton》,而稍早之前,她接受 Rolling Stone 專訪時,也對參與紀錄片《20 Feet From Stardom》發表了她的想法,”It’s been a beautiful, precious run, and I am loooo-ving it.”

目前,經紀人方面還沒有透漏太多消息,但是確定 Merry Clayton 沒有生命危險,然而,後續的復健、復原,會是一條很漫長的路,希望大家能在心裡默默地替她祈禱;如果你想對她說些甚麼鼓勵的話,無論是對她本人,或是她的家人,請點這裡,並且留下你想講的話,所有的鼓勵和祈禱,將會統一彙整之後,在 Merry Clayton 復原狀況較為良好時,由她本人仔細地一一閱讀,情況允許的話,她會回覆大家。












