Home 例年舊新聞 2014年舊新聞 My Chemical Romance 最後的 “新歌”

My Chemical Romance 最後的 “新歌”


成軍12年,非常受到另類搖滾樂迷喜愛的五人組 My Chemical Romance 在2013年3月中,突然地在官網貼出解散的訊息,讓樂界非常地訝異不捨.事隔將近一年了,上個星期,BBC 廣播公司又突然播出一首聲稱是 My Chemical Romance的新歌”Fake Your Death,” 一時間,很讓歌迷狐疑也興奮著, My Chemical Romance 回來了嗎?

陸續地,關於”Fake Your Death” 這首歌更多訊息在各音樂網站披露出來.同時,MV也很快地出現在Youtube. 原來,這首歌確實是 My Chemical Romance 將收錄在他們的第五張專輯,是張 Greatest 精選輯中的新作. 這張即將在3月25日上市發行,紀念意味的專輯名為” May Death Never Stop You ” .當然,這首新歌 “Fake Your Death” 正是呼應著 “停止,並非終點 “的超越力量.

有著點軍樂前進曲意味的這首歌曲,MV的拍攝也以很濃烈地情感與場景的回顧,配合著歌詞中展現著 “正視死亡或失敗痛苦,堅持理想向前”的宣告.關於這首歌的背景,熱愛冰上曲棍球運動的主唱 Gerard Way 曾這麼說,那天晚上,(2012年6月12日)洛杉磯國王隊以六比一痛宰了紐澤西隊,贏走了史丹利獎盃…就是那一刻,寫下這首歌,雖然不能說完全是這場比賽的啟發…不過,就是那樣的氣氛下,這首歌是我們一起合作的最後一首歌了,我覺得這首歌就是對我們自己的一個頌讚,”分離,結束”當然是有很深刻不捨的,但是,我們都是很好的朋友,我們是很開心地邁步向前的.

歌詞 :

Some people watch, some people pray
But even lights can fade away
Some people hope, some people pay
But why we have to stay

Cause even here, we’re scared to bruise
Or any misery you choose
You like to watch, we like to use
And we were born to lose

I choose defeat, I walk away
And leave this place for sane today
Some like to sleep, we like to play
Just look at all that pain

You want the heart and to be saved
But even good guys still get paid
So watch your back and keep the blade
I think it got you laid

So fake your death, oh it’s your blame
And leave the lights on when you stay
Take off your clothes and dream and fade
Come on and feel that shame

I choose defeat, I walk away
And leave this place for sane today
We like to sleep, we like to play
Just look at all that pain

Just look at all that pain

Just look at all that pain
Just look at all that pain
Just give me all that pain
Just give me all that pain
Just give me all that pain

I choose defeat, I walk away
And leave this place for sane today
Some like to sleep, we like to play
Just look at all that pain

